Artistic Enterprises

I- Definition and Formalities
1- Definition of an artistic enterprise:
It's an artistic firm or a commercial private institution that recruits foreign artists. The latter preform in shows, exhibits, or an artistic achievement of some sort, in Lebanon.
2- Definition of artistic work:
A person that performs professionally in fine arts, or on a superior level in arts and craft, or any applied art (such as music, theater, cinema, dance, televised animation, radio, circuses, shows, imitations, advertisements, paintings, drawings, photograph, tattoo, engraving, sculptures, and decorations).
3- Formalities:
3-1- The required documents to constitute an artistic enterprise:
- Certified copy of the investment permit.
- An extract of commercial register.
- A certificate of registration held by the firm.
- An extract of financial register.
- A financial statement.
- A certified copy of the ID card held by the owner of the firm.
- A certified copy of the ID card held by the guarantor, if the latter exists.
- A proxy done via a notary.
3-2- Definition of artistic categories:
- "Artists" category: - Singers, musicians, animators, circus artists, as well as dancers.
- International orchestras groups, ballet dancers, sport show artists, water-skiing artists, figure skating artists, theater, are not considered artists and are exempted from artist taxes. They are granted a touristic visa, except the sports players, and coaches, that come to work In Lebanon for a period superior to one year. The latter have to have In hand the related contracts, and work documents required, that conform to foreign regulations.
- Arab or foreign singers, that are filming a video clip, or a promotional clip, a or music video, are exempted from artist taxes as well and are granted an entry visa by the general director department.
- The artists that wish to work in Lebanon, have to have an entry visa in hand that has been delivered by the general security – artist department. The interested party has to apply for this visa, whether it’s the firm or the convener, they must specify the date and duration of work, as well as the remuneration of the artist.
- The regulations applied to the "night club artists" concerning the following statement: "These artists cannot work for more than 6 months, without interruption. They can eventually return to work after an absence period equivalent to their last professional stay in Lebanon. Arab artists and members of international artistic groups are exempted from this", are not applicable to the "Artists" category.
- "Advertisements actors" category: - Women that play in promotional videos, as well as televised advertisements, newspaper and magazine advertisements, and billboards are categorized "advertisements actors ".
- These artists cannot work for more than 6 months, without interruption. They can eventually return to work after an absence period equivalent to their last professional stay in Lebanon.
- Advertisement actors can work in Lebanon as artists or models but the opposite remains untrue. In fact, if a model wants to work as an actor of advertisement, she needs a previous authorization granted by the general security after a request submitted by the enterprise (production enterprise, advertising enterprise, touristic enterprise).
- "Models" category: - Models that work in touristic institutions except for night clubs. Their entry requires a visa granted previously by the general security.
- These artists cannot work for more than 6 months, without interruption. They can eventually return to work after an absence period equivalent to their last professional stay in Lebanon. A model cannot work as such if she has already worked as an artist in a nightclub. Artists which have previously worked in Lebanon, can't come for purposes related to tourism, without a previous authorization granted by the general security.
- Artists in a night club can work as such if they already worked as a model.
II- Work visa request formalities
1- Visa requests:
1-1- Visa for "artists":
- A guarantee engagement.
- A work contract that has been dated and signed by both interested parties, containing the duration, and location of the show, as well as the remuneration given to the artist.
- A work attestation delivered by the interested firm.
- A financial guarantee of 2,000,000 L.B.P for each artist.
- A certified copy of the ID card held by the convener.
- A certified colored copy of the passport held by the artist.
- An ID photo of the artist (4x4).
- A fiscal stamp.
- An investment license held by the firm or the restaurant where the show will be performed.
- The official stamp of the enterprise on all documents.
1-2- Visa for "models and advertisement actors":
- Two filled applications.- A guarantee engagement.
- A work contract that has been dated and signed by both interested parties, containing the duration, and location of the show, as well as the remuneration given to the artist.
- A work attestation delivered by the interested firm.
- A certified copy of the ID card held by the guarantor.
- A certified colored copy of the passport held by the artist.
- An ID photo of the artist (4x4).
- Four fiscal stamps.
- The official stamp of the enterprise on all documents.
- A financial guarantee of 2,000,000 L.B.P for each artist/model.
- Parental authorization for minors.
- A certified proxy done via a notary when it comes to the procedures done at the general security department.
NB: Model agencies are exempted from the financial guarantee mentionned above when it comes to "advertisement actors" that wish to work in Lebanon.
- Acceleration of the above-mentioned procedures (48hours):
- The interested party applies for an accelerated visa (an emergency visa). He has to hand out the requested documents, and then wait for a response from the general security. His records are analyzed and a response is given, if the latter is positive, he must show up at the General Director Department, to pay the requested fees. A receipt is given to him, which he will later have to bring to the artist's department. The records will be reviewed, before granting the visa in a 2 day period.
- The owner/his representative and the artist/dancer have to show up at the general security – artist department, 4 days before the end of the first month. They must have in hand 2 ID photos that conform to norms and regulations, as well as the passport of the artist.
1-3- Arrival of "artists-models-advertisement actors":
- The role of the border points (upon entry) is to execute research and legal investigations: if he has an artist record, investigations are conducted to verify everything, if the former has an artist visa that conforms to norms, then his passport shall be stamped with an entry visa valid for 48 hours.- If he does not have an artist visa, a tourism visa shall be granted to him, he cannot work as an artist though without showing up at the department of artists – general security.
1-4 Medical exams:
- Arab and foreign dancers must endure medical exams, and laboratory exams, when their stay exceeds one month. They have to repeat those every 3 months.- Advertisement actors have to follow the same terms every 2 months.
- As for models they do not endure any medical exam.
III- Work contracts and residency
1- Work contract:
This contract is done between the model and the owner of the agency. The work hours shall be specified, as well as the duration, dates, and locations of the show. The remuneration of the artist/model, as well as the address of her stay, is also specified.
Models/Artists must sign a contract within 48 hours of their arrival to Lebanon, at the artist's department.
2- Entry Visa:
2-1 For all categories:
The artists and models are granted an entry visa equivalent to the execution period mentioned in the contract (30 days). The latter is renewable every month, upon agreement of both parties. A 3 months visa can be granted according to the contract if the fees have been paid.
2-2 Fees:
- "Artists" category:
- 350,000 L.B.P – every month for each artist if the location of the show is class B (1 or 2 stars).
- 700,000 L.B.P – every month for each artist if the location of the show is class A (3 stars or more).
- "Models" category:
- Modeling agencies are exempted from fees appointed to artists, when it comes to fashion shows, for a period of one week at the most, 2 times a year.
- Models that participate in fashion shows during the month of sale promotions, and summer festivals, are exempted from artist fees.
- Fees are required at each additional entry, and every time her stay exceeds the previously appointed duration. This is the case, every time her stay exceeds one week, or the month of sale promotions, as well as the summer festival.
2-3 Departure declaration:
- The model has to show up at the general security before departure to be granted an authorization to do so, having in hand a financial statement, and her passport. The firm notifies the general security of the date of departure, if the model cannot show up at the artist department in order to sign the cancelation of the contract and pay the fees.
- During the month of sales promotions, as well as the summer festivals, and the 2 weeks given, the model shall be notified a deadline to leave.
General instructions:
- Military retirees are not allowed to work at pubs, night clubs, or massage/physical therapy institutes.
- Massage institutes are not allowed to hire foreign citizens as domestic workers within these institutes.

G.S. Addresses
Central Direction |
Adliyeh - Sami el Soleh street |
01/386610 - 01/425610 |
Operation Room |
Mathaf: 01/612401/2/5 |
Beirut International Airport |
01/629150/1/2 - 01/628570 |
Beirut Port center |
01/584400 |
Jounieh Port center |
09/932852 |
Tripoli Port center |
06/600789 |
Arida center |
06/820101 |
Abboudiye center |
06/815151 |
Bekayya center |
06/860023 |
Kaa center |
08/225101 |
Al Masnaa center |
08/620018 |
Sour Port center |
07/742896 |
Saida Port center |
07/727455 |
Naqoura center |
07/460007 |
Jiyeh port center |
09/995516 |
Beirut Regional Department |
01/429061 - 01/429060 |
Northern Lebanon and Akkar regional deparments |
Northen Lebanon department |
06/431778 |
Tripoli center |
06/625572 |
Miniyeh center |
06/463249 |
Zgharta center |
06/661671 |
Bsharri center |
06/671199 |
Koura center |
06/950552 |
Batroun center |
06/642384 |
Danniyeh center |
06/490798-06/490877 |
Akkar department |
06/695796 |
Mechmech center |
06/895182 |
Halba center |
06/690004 |
Qoubaiyat center |
06/350028 |
Beino center |
06/360345-06/361758 |
Beqaa and Baalbeck El Hermel regional department |
Beqaa department |
08/803666 |
Zahle center |
08/823935 |
Joub Jannine center |
08/660095 |
Rachaya center |
08/590620 |
Ryak center |
08/900201 |
Mashgharah center |
08/651271 |
Bouarej center |
08/540608 |
Baalbeck El Hermel department |
08/374248 |
Baalbeck center |
08/370577 |
Shmustar center |
08/330106 |
Hermel center |
08/200139 |
Deir el Ahmar center |
08/321136 |
Laboueh center |
08/230094 |
Nabi chit center |
08/345104 |
Southern Lebanon and Nabatieh regional departments |
Southern Lebanon department |
07/724890 |
Saidon center |
07/735534 |
Tyre center |
07/741737 |
Jezzine center |
07/780501 |
Jouaiyya center |
07/411891 |
Qana center |
07/430096 |
Zahrani center |
07/260957 |
Nabatiyeh department |
07/760727 |
Nabatieh center |
07/761886 |
Bent Jbeil center |
07/450010 |
Marjaayoun center |
07/830301 |
Hasbaiyya center |
07/550102 |
Jbaa center |
07/211418 |
Tebnine center |
07/326318 |
Chebaa center |
07/565349 |
Al Taibah center |
07/850614 |
Mount Lebanon first department |
05/920090 |
Baabda center |
05/920090 |
Metn center |
01/888647 |
Rayfoun center |
09/957278 - 09/957275 |
Keserwen center |
09/934425 |
Jbeil center |
09/945868 |
Hamana center |
05/533005 |
Dhour chweir center |
04/392281 |
Bourj Hammoud center |
05/920090 |
Haret Sakher center |
09/637314 |
Kartaba center |
09/405137-09/405144 |
Ghazir center |
09/920752 |
Martyr Abdel Karim Hudruj center - Tayouneih |
01/552806 01/270365 01/270447 |
Mount Lebanon second department |
05/501926 |
Aley center |
05/554864 |
Chouefat center |
05/431142 |
Chouf center |
05/503529 |
Iklim Al Kharoub center |
07/242047 |
Damour center |
05/601254 |
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