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Thu 27 Mar 2025     عربي Français English

The Spa

Definition:  A spa is a place that ensures relaxation and wellbeing of the body and soul in a luxurious atmosphere.
The latter is either sanitary or medical certified by the ministry of health. If it’s a medical spa, the treatments are purely medical, done by specialists, and physiotherapist.  If it’s a touristic spa, or a spa that’s in a hotel, or a sport club, or other significant touristic institutions, it should be certified by the ministry of tourism.

NB:  The permit granted by the prefect is only valid in the concerned prefecture.

The masseuse (Lebanese / Arab / foreigner): holder of a massage/physiotherapy certification granted by a school or an institute, conform to current regulations.

Owner or investor: has to choose a delegate that would represent him when filing requests at the general security, using a proxy that’s compliant to current regulations. This representative has to have in hand an extract of the commercial register

The director: is designated by the owner to accomplish all the formalities due at the general security.

The assistant manager: is designated by the director, he substitutes the director if the latter is absent.

Investment in a spa– required documents:
- A filled out application - An extract of civil status or a certified copy of the identity card of the investor
- An extract of the owner’s criminal record that’s one month old at the most
- A certified copy of the investment permit delivered by the prefect, or the ministry of labor
- A certified copy of the extract of commercial register, and financial register
- A certified copy of the registration certificate of the enterprise
- A certified copy of the financial statement
- A certified copy of the purchase contract, the rental contract, or the investment contract
- A certified copy of the title deed
- A revenue stamp
- An accommodation certificate delivered by the mayor
Constitution and opening of a spa: has to respect many requirements, like getting a previous authorization delivered by the general security – artists division
Requested documents to designate a director:
- A filled out application
- A certified copy of the owner’s identity card, or an extract of civil status emitted since 3 months at the most, or a valid passport
- An attestation of employment
- A proxy signed before a notary
- An extract of the owner’s criminal record
-  An accommodation certificate
- A certified copy of the extract of commercial register or that of the financial register
- A revenue stamp
The documents requested to recruit a foreign masseuse: 
- 2 filled out applications (entry visa)
- A massage certification delivered by a certified establishment in his country of origin
- A work permit previously delivered by the ministry of Labor
- A guarantee commitment
- A certified copy of the owner’s identity card
- A certified copy of the extract of commercial register, as well as the financial register
- A certified copy of a mortgage
- A work contract dated and signed by the owner, and the masseuse
- A certified colored copy of the owner’s passport
- 4 revenue stamps
- A certified copy of the director’s identity card as well as the proxy
The arrival of the masseuse to Lebanon:  She will be greeted by the investor or a representative of the latter: director or assistant director. If the individual in charge of this task is late, or doesn’t show up, the airport has to send a deposition to the general security – artist division informing them of this incident. Regarding the barmaid the decision will be taken by the general director of the general security.

The masseuse that intend to come for touristic purposes:   their entrance requires a previous authorization delivered by the general directorate of the general security, regardless of her age or her nationality.

A masseuse married to a Lebanese citizen:  If her stay outside the country has exceeded one year, her entrance is permitted under current regulations that pertain to her nationality, age and other relevant factors. She must have her marriage certificate in hand, the latter has to conforms to current regulations.

Medical exams:   These exams are mandatory from the very first day. Therefore, she has to come to the general security the second day to deliver her results, but also to endure some supplementary medical examinations.
The owner/ his representative, and the masseuse that arrive to Lebanon, have to come to the general security- artist division, after 24 hours at the most, having in hand 2 id photos, conform to current regulations, and the passport of the masseuse.
The owner has to pay the charges due to medical exams, directly to the general security – artist division, and is given a receipt.
If the results are concluding, then the owner has to come to the general security department in charge of this matter, with the barmaid, and the results in hand.

the masseuses that works in a medical spa, or medical centers, hospitals, or any medical establishments certified by the health ministry, are exempted from the above-mentioned exams.
The masseuses that are accredited by the ministry of education, and working in hotels, are exempted from the above-mentioned exams.
The owners of these hotels have to come to the general security – artist division, having in hand a list of the physiotherapists that are foreigners, as well as a certified copy of their id card, their syndicate membership card, and their work permit.

Working contract:  a contract is signed by the masseuse at the general security – artist division every 3 months.
The obligations pertaining to the masseuse during her stay:
1- Respecting the Lebanese current laws and regulations including those pertaining to her situation (for instance not marrying a Lebanese citizen, or working without a work visa …)
2- Respecting the social and cultural norms in effect (no drugs, nor prostitution)
3- She mustn’t have another job
4- She mustn’t be absent without a medical report
5- She must have the general security number
6- She will eventually be permitted a day off per week, if the owner agrees to this
7- she must wear appropriate outfits
A temporary stay of 2 months:
The general security – artists’ division gives a visa of 2months to masseuses, if the results of the medical exams are as required. The following documents have to be provided:
- A filled application
- A certified copy of the passport
- A certified copy of the director’s id card or the assistant director
- A certified copy of the owner’s id card
- A certified copy of the commercial register and the financial register
- The receipt (50 000 L.B.P)
- An ID photo of the masseuse

The masseuse can eventually be transferred to another establishment; she must however sign a new contract, and have the latter in hand, with a certified copy of the new owner’s ID card, and a previous authorization of the general security.
The departure of the masseuse:
The owner, director or assistant director has to go to the general security – artists’ division, to get the required authorization, and if the masseuse wants to eventually come back, she has to deliver her passport, her residency permit and her airplane ticket.
She has to leave in a period of 48 hours, having in hand an attestation signed by the artists’ division director, her passport will be sent through the mail to the concerned point of departure.
If the residency permit has expired before the owner can renew the latter, a financial register delivered by the ministry of labor, has to be provided. The masseuse has one month to get her work permit (first class), or leave after paying the charges due.
If the owner does not wish to renew her residency permit, a financial register delivered by the ministry of labor, has to be provided. The masseuse then has to leave in a week at most, after paying the charges due.

G.S. Addresses

Central Direction
Central Direction
Central Direction
Adliyeh - Sami el Soleh street
01/386610 - 01/425610
Operation Room
Mathaf: 01/612401/2/5
Border centers / departments
Border centers / departments
Beirut International Airport
01/629150/1/2 - 01/628570
Beirut Port center
Jounieh Port center
Tripoli Port center
Arida center 
Abboudiye center 
Bekayya center 
Kaa center 
Al Masnaa center 
Sour Port center
Saida Port center 
Naqoura center 
Jiyeh port center 
Beirut Regional Department
01/429061 - 01/429060
North and Akkar
North and Akkar
Northern Lebanon and Akkar regional deparments
Northen Lebanon department
Tripoli center
Miniyeh center
Zgharta center
Bsharri center
Koura center
Batroun center
Danniyeh center
Akkar department
Mechmech center
Halba center
Qoubaiyat center
Beino center
Beqaa and Baalbeck El Hermel
Beqaa and Baalbeck El Hermel
Beqaa and Baalbeck El Hermel regional department
Beqaa department
Zahle center
Joub Jannine center
Rachaya center
Ryak center
Mashgharah center
Bouarej center
Baalbeck El Hermel department
Baalbeck center
Shmustar center
Hermel center
Deir el Ahmar center
Laboueh center
Nabi chit center
South and Nabatieh
South and Nabatieh
Southern Lebanon and Nabatieh regional departments
Southern Lebanon department
Saidon center
Tyre center
Jezzine center
Jouaiyya center
Qana center
Zahrani center
Nabatiyeh department
Nabatieh center
Bent Jbeil center
Marjaayoun center
Hasbaiyya center
Jbaa center
Tebnine center
Chebaa center
Al Taibah center
Mount Lebanon
Mount Lebanon
Mount Lebanon first department
Baabda center
Metn center
Rayfoun center
09/957278 - 09/957275
Keserwen center
Jbeil center
Hamana center
Dhour chweir center
Bourj Hammoud center
Haret Sakher center
Kartaba center
Ghazir center
Martyr Abdel Karim Hudruj center - Tayouneih




Mount Lebanon second department
Aley center
Chouefat center
Chouf center
Iklim Al Kharoub center
Damour center