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Mon 31 Mar 2025     عربي Français English

Entry of Artists in nightclubs

I- Visa requests

1-When it comes to the artist that has previously worked in Lebanon: the visa request is not authorized if the artist's stay abroad is less than her previous stay in Lebanon.

2-When it comes to the artist that has not previously worked in Lebanon: the owner of the nightclub, his guarantor, or the director of the nightclub has to show up in the department of artists with the following documents:
  • An entry visa application form (34 - 2000), as well as a 2 application forms for a visa (11 - 2002)
  • A photocopy of the identity card held by the artist mediator, as well as an attestation given by the latter stating he received the personal documents of the artist.
  • A photocopy of the artist's passport ( 3 colored copies) signed by the mediator stating that he is responsible for bringing her to Lebanon
  • A photocopy of the previous work contract signed by the owner of the nightclub and the artist 
  • An attestation by the nightclub owner stating that he will pay all the charges related to the artist's travel back to her country, in case there is an infraction of any sort. She must leave within 72 hours if a plane is available
  • An identification card related to the artist
  • A table with all the artists working in the nightclub
  • A guarantee of a value of 2,000,000 L.L for each artist

II- The outcome of the procedure

  • The decision concerning the application is taken by the general directorate of the General Security
  • All artists are granted the visa an entry visas except those coming from Israel or Labor exporting countries
  • The visa is done in a period of 4 working days since the receipt of the application

III- The interviews 

  • ​When a new artist is brought to Lebanon, the frontier department grants her a visa of 48 hours, during which she has to show up at the artists' department, with the nightclub owner or director. She has to have her passport in hand, as well as two ID photos. She will then sign her contract after understanding the content of the latter as well as her rights and the current laws in place. She will also sign an attestation to follow the explained laws via an application form (38 - 2000)
  • The work contract period is specified by 3 months.

IV- Medical exams

  • The artist is given a health book to visit the General Security doctor. She has to endure all the medical exams requested including the one related to pregnancy. If the test is positive than she will have to leave Lebanon, and an entry prevention alert is emitted on her behalf for a non-specified period of time.
  • If there are medical obstacles related to the outcome of laboratory and medical exams, she has to leave in 72 hours, if planes are available, and all expenses will be paid by the owner of the nightclub.
  • The costs due are 500,000 L.L. 

V- The Visa

  • The general directorate of General Security grants the artists a visa for a month, renewable for 6 months at the most since the date of entry, after paying the concerned expenses.
  • Arabic artists are granted a one month visa extendable monthly after paying the concerned expenses.

VI- Entry and Exit

  • When the artist arrives in Lebanon she has to be picked up by the investor, or the owner of the nightclub. The General Security - airport department has to make sure of that. 
  • The artist that wants to leave has to show up at the airport 3 hours before departure of the plane, with the investor (or the owner / the director / the assistant - director)
  • If the investor or the owner of the nightclub don't show up upon the arrival of the artist, or she is does not show up before departure of her plane, her case is transferred to the department of investigations, and the department of artists is informed. 

VII- The artist's work

  • The artist has to perform every day from 10 pm to 5 am except if she is sick (medical report has to be issued by a General Security doctor). She is allowed to have a day off (1 day per week).
  • Brake hours
    - She has to stay in her room from 5 am till 1 pm. 
    - She is allowed to leave her room after 1 pm and until 10 pm. The phone number and the description of the car owned by the person driving her has to be recorded. After 10 pm she is not allowed to leave unless it's toward the club where she works.
    - On her day off, she has a break between 1 pm 5 am.
    - The artists can work on a prova outside the timeframe indicated with a previous authorization by the artists' department. 

  • The owner of the nightclub has to hold a record comprising the name and surname of the artist where they indicate their arrival time and the time of leaving the club. Emergency cases are also recorded (sickness - weekly brake - important comments) as well as the address of residence. 
  • The nightclub has to have a table of the weekly breaks of the artists. A copy of that table has to be handed off to the artist department. 
  • The artist cannot work before her papers are done and the results of her medical exams are out. 
  • The artist has to respect social norms and avoid doing anything that would annoy the clients of the hotel, or her neighbors in the area where she lives. 
  • The artist can live in an area than that indicated (hotel, areas) based on a decision by the General Director of the General Security. 
  • The nightclub owner has to ensure a healthy place of residence for all artists, and has to draw a table of those places. 
  • The above-mentioned table has to be handed off to the artists' department. Updates have to be reported to the latter.
  • Families are not allowed to go into the nightclubs, and cleaning tasks cannot be given to the artists.

  • VIII- The artist's stay abroad

    • The artist's stay in Lebanon shouldn't exceed 6 months without interruption. She can't come back unless her stay abroad is at least equal to her previous stay in Lebanon. (Arabic artists are not concerned)
    • The artist or masseuse cannot come to Lebanon for touristic reasons if her stay abroad does not exceed 1 year. Her entry requires a previous authorization delivered by the General Security
    • The foreign artist is not allowed to marry a Lebanese citizen, if she has married one, she will have to leave. Her husband is than informed of the necessity to register his marriage after one year of her departure. 
    • For the artist that has stayed abroad for more than a year, if she gets married abroad to a Lebanese citizen, she can enter Lebanon according to the instructions related to her nationality. (if her marriage is registered according to current regulations) 
    • Concerning the artist that has married a Lebanese citizen abroad, but has stayed abroad for less than a year, the decision concerning her entry is taken by the general directorate of General Security. (if her marriage is registered according to current regulations). She has to show up at the department of nationality and passports with her husband in 48 hours at the most. 

G.S. Addresses

Central Direction
Central Direction
Central Direction
Adliyeh - Sami el Soleh street
01/386610 - 01/425610
Operation Room
Mathaf: 01/612401/2/5
Border centers / departments
Border centers / departments
Beirut International Airport
01/629150/1/2 - 01/628570
Beirut Port center
Jounieh Port center
Tripoli Port center
Arida center 
Abboudiye center 
Bekayya center 
Kaa center 
Al Masnaa center 
Sour Port center
Saida Port center 
Naqoura center 
Jiyeh port center 
Beirut Regional Department
01/429061 - 01/429060
North and Akkar
North and Akkar
Northern Lebanon and Akkar regional deparments
Northen Lebanon department
Tripoli center
Miniyeh center
Zgharta center
Bsharri center
Koura center
Batroun center
Danniyeh center
Akkar department
Mechmech center
Halba center
Qoubaiyat center
Beino center
Beqaa and Baalbeck El Hermel
Beqaa and Baalbeck El Hermel
Beqaa and Baalbeck El Hermel regional department
Beqaa department
Zahle center
Joub Jannine center
Rachaya center
Ryak center
Mashgharah center
Bouarej center
Baalbeck El Hermel department
Baalbeck center
Shmustar center
Hermel center
Deir el Ahmar center
Laboueh center
Nabi chit center
South and Nabatieh
South and Nabatieh
Southern Lebanon and Nabatieh regional departments
Southern Lebanon department
Saidon center
Tyre center
Jezzine center
Jouaiyya center
Qana center
Zahrani center
Nabatiyeh department
Nabatieh center
Bent Jbeil center
Marjaayoun center
Hasbaiyya center
Jbaa center
Tebnine center
Chebaa center
Al Taibah center
Mount Lebanon
Mount Lebanon
Mount Lebanon first department
Baabda center
Metn center
Rayfoun center
09/957278 - 09/957275
Keserwen center
Jbeil center
Hamana center
Dhour chweir center
Bourj Hammoud center
Haret Sakher center
Kartaba center
Ghazir center
Martyr Abdel Karim Hudruj center - Tayouneih




Mount Lebanon second department
Aley center
Chouefat center
Chouf center
Iklim Al Kharoub center
Damour center